Our Founding Story


I founded my wedding planning and floral design business in 2011. Back then, there were no user-friendly website design apps like SquareSpace or Wix, so we oldies had to get creative on how to market ourselves. I figured out that iLife on Mac (anyone else remember iLife??)

was super easy to use…. It’s basically like scrapbooking and putting it out there on the internet--FYI, it was shitty. But it was how I could control the content and my brand--something so extremely important for a small business to have full control over.

I attribute my success over the last decade to my ability to brand myself well on the internet and produce work that was true to it. And for some small businesses, this is not their strength, but it is something for every small business owner to absolutely challenge herself in.

The struggles I faced as a creative entrepreneur were the more mundane and regular parts of running a business that was just as critical to being successful in the long term. For us creatives, our craft is most important. Honing and developing our skills in our craft is most important. Making people feel good and fall in love with what we create is most important. Doing taxes, invoicing, chasing leads, bookkeeping, damage control, leading, delegating... These are all hats we have to wear that don’t always fit. And sometimes, become so tight we are afraid to grow, or maybe are too large and we can never grow into them. Either way ends in failure at some point. 

I founded Event Hollow for these people, for you. You, the creative entrepreneurs, are the makers, the doers, the creators that inspire me to make sure there is always a place for you in this ever-changing world. From the passionate mixologist who makes custom drinks for each couple out of his beautiful bar trailer he designed himself, to the photographer who hikes two miles up a mountain in the rain to capture the perfect shots, to the invitation designer who literally pulls the lever on every letterpress invitation from his great grandfather’s antique letterpress machine he restored. These are the people that need to be seen and given the chance to do what they do best, and not worry about putting food on the table next year. These are the experiences today’s engaged couples want to invest in and see flourish.

And speaking of today’s couples; as a wedding planner, I wanted to solve their problems too. Right now, you can go online and purchase and book virtually anything you want to, instantly, with no hidden fees or surprises, except anything in the wedding industry. And I know, just like you, that the wedding industry is so unique, that any attempt to even the playing field sounds impossible. That we expect to educate couples on how to adhere to the way we work. But history has shown, that is not a popular solution.  

It’s time we as an industry, make this entire process easier on everyone. And we can only do that by banding together. Quit the competing, ditch the market diving, up the customer service and acknowledge that times have changed.  

So, what does Event Hollow do for PEOPLE?

  1. People never have to ask for or wait for another proposal ever again, which means YOU, small business owners, never have to write them.

  2. People never have to ask if a vendor is available ever again, which eliminates all that early communication between both parties.

  3. People get an instant dose of reality as to how much GOOD businesses cost, and what they need to budget for their wedding, which means no nickel and diming.

  4. People take a quiz and get paired to the best businesses for them based on style, which decreases the BS search party by 60%.

  5. People get to confidently shop the best businesses out there, strictly vetted by our expert vendor relations team, so say “sayonara” to hobbyists and side hustlers.

  6. People only ever have to read and review one contract, which protects everyone, so you can also say “peace out” to your contract writer (aka you).

  7. People can now pay in increments and even finance their wedding, which means they can now properly plan out how to afford good businesses, like you.

There you have it. This is why Event Hollow exists. Join the movement and be a part of industry change.  

All my best,

Jen Edmon

Jennifer Edmon